Big Techs monopoly review | Why are they on hearing | Who they affected | re.brevis news Ep. 15

2020-08-19 2

Who they affected and what they did, the analysis with a plot twist included. Do Congress members have stocks?

0:00 Antitrust hearing for Amazon, Apple, Google, and Facebook.
1:07 Amazon: Accused of squeezing competition.
1:46 Apple: Accused of restrictive rules and abusive charges for App Store developers.
1:46 Google (Alphabet): Accused of Search results manipulation and unclear terms on their advertising platform.
3:04 Facebook: Accused of Neutralize competition.
3:51 And finally who called this hearing?
4:52 Additional information of re.brevis news and announcements

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Voice Over: rash! (rash.theofficial at IG)

#monopoly #techgiant #trial